The Fisherman ghost just returned. So may the moonlight ghost or the railway ghost but I’m not sure if and when. You may think it strange that since I’m the one writing, how can I not be sure? But in a way, the story is writing itself. For every time I sit down, depending on the mood or what happened recently or what memories I recalled, the direction dictated by the ghosts are determined by them not me. This much I know. There will be more ghosts to be introduced. For I don’t think the tales can be told without them. They will reveal themselves to me when the time is right.
How this all can come together into a coherent story is a challenge and sometimes when the juice is not flowing, I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. Those who stumbled on this site and who are equally insane to want to continue reading, you should start from the first post – “The Ghosts & I” or you’ll never make head or tail of what is going on. I’m writing this story to fulfill a pledge as much to myself as the one I’m writing this story for. I’m not looking for readers for this blog – try my other blogs where I welcome readers. But if you want to continue on this dubious journey, maybe you as mad as me and as mad as the narrator/narrators of the story. Maybe you believe in ghosts.
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